Find out what happens during a hacking attempt. Practise the necessary skills with your team in a simulated incident
Cyber security sounds complicated, so board members often don’t bother getting into the details. However, an incident can have an enormous impact, and the board is expected to make the right decisions. Which elements of the infrastructure are vulnerable? Are your employees prepared for an incident? As a manager or CISO, you want to know the answers to those questions.
Why Fox Academy?
Discover the impact of a cyber-incident first-hand
Work together on your team’s resilience
Playfully discover how fun and simple cyber security can be
Call us before you need us
Our experts are here to help you.
The solution
Fox-IT offers the answer by providing a number of practice exercises and demonstrations. They focus on providing insight into the impact of a cyber-incident, discovering how sophisticated an attacker is, and changing behavior and culture. The practice exercises are ideally suited for use as a team-building event, teaching your employees to respond appropriately and collectively to an emergent threat. The demonstrations provide a quick introduction to how easy it is to intercept personal data and ensure awareness and discussion about the topic.
A demonstration by the Academy is a fun and easy way to familiarise your employees with how easy it is to retrieve their personal information. By taking part in one of our practice exercises, the group is actively engaged in making your organisation more resilient. The shock it causes is often huge, and we see that people have really changed their behavior long after the programme ends.
Academy has developed a number of simple, fun and above all educational demonstrations. They confront your organisation with a cyber-incident, such as a phishing attack or targeted hack. Your employees will have to respond to the attempts and work together to minimise the damage. Our demonstrations provide your employees with immediate insight into the ways in which a cyber-incident can occur and the impact it has, giving your employees a huge boost in knowledge.
Why Fox-IT
For the past 20 years, Fox-IT has been the front runner in cyber security in the Netherlands. Based on our intelligence, incident response and pen-testing practice, we have up-to-date knowledge of any technological vulnerabilities and resulting risks. Academy operates on the basis of the knowledge and experience of the Fox-IT experts, so you will be presented with a scenario representative of your own organisation. The consultants know what they are talking about. Doing an awareness programme at Fox-IT is fun and informative, and enhances your sense of security.

Which practice exercises do we offer?
Crisis Game
The starting point of this practice exercise is a realistic crisis scenario. The crisis game aims to ensure that your team is confronted with a crisis and all the circumstances associated with it. Examples include time pressure, acknowledgement and recognition of each other’s roles, the exceptional circumstances in each situation, etc.
The emphasis is on the strategic and process-based ways to respond in these types of crisis situations. At the end of the practice exercise, participants are aware of their own collective flaws, the exceptional circumstances involved in a crisis situation, and how they should be handled.
The crisis game is a very useful, fun tool to improve the resilience of your organization. That also makes it ideally suited for use as a team-building activity.
The upper management of the organization is normally not directly involved in day-to-day operations. Where security is concerned, it is important for all layers of the organization to be aware of the risks and know how to respond in a crisis.
In this session, we simulate an incident/crisis in which more information is released one bit at a time. During a period of two hours, the teams go through a process-based response to a cyber-crisis, making decisions in 6 rounds of the game in relation to the incident and the stakeholders involved. All the decisions that are made are announced in each round of the game, encouraging natural interaction between the different roles. The teams are ranked in comparison to each other, which is how they also gain insight into each other’s good and less effective decisions.
Hack Demo
One of the most common methods used to penetrate a network is phishing. We often see that a hacking attempt, no matter how complex, starts with a phishing attack. Phishing attacks often take place by email. The purpose of the hacker is to infect workstations with malware. By enticing the user to clicking on a link or open an attachment, the hacker can infiltrate the system.
Are you looking for a fun, interactive way to make your employees aware of the dangers of cybercrime? Then the Hacking Demo offers a high-impact first step. Whether it’s during corporate drinks or a session out in the middle of nowhere, Fox will build a demo set-up in no time, making it possible to look over a hacker’s shoulder.
Wi-Fi Demo
During this demonstration, we see what happens when you establish a connection with a (fake) Wi-Fi access point, and how an attacker can abuse this connection, for example by collecting personal data.
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