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Introducing Scout, NCC Group's new self-service cloud compliance platform

06 augustus 2019

Our new client self-service platform ‘Scout’, used for checking public cloud configuration is now available via our Cyberstore. The agnostic tool allows users to monitor configuration of their Amazon Web Service (AWS), Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) public cloud deployments.

While public clouds enable positive operational change, ensuring their configuration remains secure is important to avoid introducing additional cyber risk. Scout, hosted on AWS, maintained by us, provides a toolset for persistent monitoring of public cloud accounts.

All users have to do is login, configure the accounts they would like to check and then schedule a check. Checks can be run as a one-off or to run on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Simple and fast to use, and no additional charges – it’s the same price if the client runs one scan a month or one scan a day.

Once a scan has been completed, results are presented via a simple dashboard with a detailed assessment report also available to download. Users can choose to receive email alerts for any newly discovered issues.