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Executive Committee on International Women's Day: Nick Rowe

19 March 2020

To continue our Executive Committee International Women’s Day series, we asked Nick Rowe, managing director of assurance in North America, to tell us which woman inspires him the most and why.

“International Women’s Day for me is a point in time to reflect on the behaviors, environment and culture you’re responsible for and consider opportunities to make them more inclusive and equal. It’s a celebration of women’s achievements and a collective effort to challenge stereotypes.

“I have been fortunate enough to work with many inspirational women but the woman who inspired me the most was my mother. She was a passionate and determined teacher who committed herself tirelessly to the education of children, usually from challenging backgrounds where school isn’t always the family priority.

“She was a relentless advocate for her pupils, ambitious and hugely successful too, working her way into several challenging roles as a head teacher. Her confidence and dedication was an inspiration to so many people who knew her, not least her three sons who learnt a lot from this fearless, characterful lady about hard work, values and social responsibility.”

Next in the series, we will hear from our group sales and marketing director, Max Baldwin, on what International Women's Day means to him.