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Insight Space

Reducing your cyber risk alongside BAU

01 februari 2021

door NCC Group

Following a security assessment or incident, it's often challenging to make sense of recommendations and prioritizing your next steps. 

In this edition of Insight Space, we explore how to successfully establish a systems operations process that directly supports cyber resilience.

Here, you'll find real-world experience and technical insights, explore solutions, objectives, and performance indicators that organizations should set to achieve real-world cyber resilience.

Technical viewpoint

System operations: inventory through to management

This paper explains how to achieve real-world cyber resilience through objectives and IT operations' performance measurements.

Executive viewpoint

Know your IT estate to know your risks

In this paper, our senior advisor, Tim Rawlins, highlights some of the key issues around effective management of the IT estate.

Threat Intelligence Sharing & Collaboration

Threat intelligence report

The latest threats

Understanding global threat actors' priorities and methods can go a long way towards strengthening your security strategy. In this report, our expert Fox-IT Research Fusion and Intelligence Teams have picked out their report cyber security insights from around the world.

How can I effectively respond to a cyber incident?

Our latest blog discusses why having a measured and thought-out response to a cyber incident can shape how your organization will emerge from a breach.

How can I materially improve my organisation’s security posture?

This blogs walks through the most important steps toward improving your organization's security posture and the best ways to contextualize, plan, and execute these steps.