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Menopause: Creating a platform for conversation

30 maart 2022

door Yvonne Harley

Menopause library launched for colleagues

Back in October 2020 we hosted the first ever, open conversation about the Menopause, with nutritionist, Menopause coach and founder of Take a Pause – Simone Burgon. It set a bit of precedent for our NCC Conversation series, bringing rich but sometimes difficult conversations into a safe space for colleagues. It was also a bit of an eye-opener and made me realise, that as a senior executive, going through the menopause, I had an opportunity to create a platform for conversation.

Continuing our work with Simone, we’ve built a menopause library to support colleagues at whatever stage of the journey they are on.

Whatever stage you may be at in the Menopause, knowing what’s happening to your body, and why, is critical in seeking support. With the library I want colleagues to have access to useful resources and, in a sense, give them confidence to talk about what’s happening to them personally, and know that they are fully supported in the workplace.

The content in the library is for guidance only and does not constitute medical advice but the guide, as well as the other resources can be used to support them to have a conversation with their health care professional.

The library is divided into six key areas:

  • Menopause Guide – a handbook that lists 34 of the most common symptoms (but not exhaustive), things you can do to relieve symptoms and some pointers on who to talk to in the organisation
  • Yoga for midlife – a series of yoga videos that are of particular benefit to people on their menopause journey however they would benefit anyone looking for some relaxation techniques
  • Meal plans – Simone has created four meal plans – plant-based menopause support meal plan, plant-based gut meal plan, gut healing meal plan and a low GI menopause support plan
  • NCC resources – links to existing resources from within NCC Group, including Mental Health First Aid network, Employee Assistance Programme, Women’s International Network (WIN) and our newly created Menopause Support Group on Yammer
  • External resources – we are starting to compile a list of external resources that colleagues recommend and aim to have country specific links as we continue to build the resources
  • Articles, podcasts and events – this is dynamic content, where we’ll share the latest news stories, events etc... of interest.

In addition, we’ve added the original Menopause Workshop that Simone hosted for us back in October 2020.

I want to make talking about Menopause in the workplace as normal as making a cup of tea. I’ve been vocal about the Menopause because it’s something that was happening to me, to my friends and I didn’t understand. I wasn’t prepared and even working with Simone on this library, I realised just how much I still don’t know.

There are lots of external resources available and everyone will have their preferences, however I hope that by providing this library, we create permission to talk about it. We break down any perceived barriers. And, by building a small network of Menopause champions, we have someone colleagues can turn to for a listening ear, on top of the fantastic resources that our HR team have in place as well as support through their own line managers.