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Colleagues take on the virtual long distance challenge for charity

10 september 2019

There’s approximately 45,147 km (28,053 miles) between our global offices and over the next couple of months, our colleagues are taking up a challenge to run, walk, swim or cycle that distance to raise money for charity.

The journey started in our office in Scotland’s capital city, Edinburgh, through the rest of the UK, before crossing over to continental Europe, visiting colleagues in the Netherlands and Denmark. We’ve now reached the shores of the east coast of America having visited New York and now Boston. From North America, we’ll head down to Sydney then Singapore before completing the challenge in the UAE.

The virtual long distance challenge is part of our colleague health and wellbeing programme – NCC Cares. The programme came about through feedback from our 2018 employee engagement survey. Colleagues wanted more focus on their personal wellbeing and the programme, which has champions across each of our key locations, is designed to ensure we look out for each other.

Activities are organised locally and ideas and conversations shared globally through our internal social and news channels. For the virtual long distance challenge, there is a local office competition running too – the office that records the most miles per person will have the opportunity to nominate the charity, which will benefit from a donation as a result of our collective efforts.

Dana Hehl, one of the project leads says: “It’s great that we’ve been able to take feedback from our employee engagement survey and turn this into something fun, which brings us even closer together. There’s a host of other ideas coming in for the wider programme as a result of this so I’m excited to see what’s next.”