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Executive Committee on International Women's Day: Adam Palser

31 maart 2020

Throughout March, we’ve been celebrating International Women’s Day by asking our Executive Committee questions on everything from the women in history they’d most like a coffee with, to characteristics that make up a great leader.

In the final instalment, our CEO, Adam Palser, discusses the women that inspire him most.

“I am a dad to two daughters and my greatest wish is for our world to afford them every opportunity to succeed on their own merit – regardless of what they choose to do. That’s the environment I want us to have in NCC Group.

"Particular women that inspire me? Two easy choices are our very own Jenny Duvalier, who sits on our board, and Emma Walmsley, who is the Chief Executive of GSK. Both Jenny and Emma show that it isn’t just possible for women to get to the top but that they also rock when they do!”