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Webinar: Security for Startups

Taking the crucial first step towards building an information security program

12 oktober 2020

door Sourya Biswas

Learn how startups can utilize a cyber security review to help secure funding for a full-fledged security program and track maturity year over year.

To build a security program, you first need to understand where you are and then build a roadmap to where you want to be.

Regardless of industry, startups share the same goals and challenges when it comes to security. In many cases, they do not have the budget or team to build a mature program. Yet they need to showcase improvements in order to secure funding and close new deals.

  • Many startups experience difficulty in understanding just how much security they need in their current stage
  • Startups that focus on security programs earlier are better positioned for growth and are able to build trustworthy relationships with their partners and clients
  • Understanding current security maturity sets the stage for benchmarking against competitors

Under-resourcing is a common problem, with a majority of organizations assessed by NCC Group budgeting between 2-5% for their entire security program.

  • Common issues faced by startups when developing a security program
  • The importance of a Cyber Security Review in identifying current and target maturity levels
  • The four stages of a Cyber Security Review, including Context Establishment, Threat Modeling, Controls Assessment, and Security Landscape
  • An inside look at a Transportation company’s review, including the 72% improvement in year-over-year security maturity

About the speaker

Sourya Biswas

Sourya Biswas

Principal Security Consultant, NCC Group's Risk Management and Governance (RMG) 

From startups to mid-size firms to Fortune 100 companies, from banks to insurance to e-commerce, Sourya's 15+ years of IT, Security and Risk Management experience spans clients of different sizes and maturities operating in different industries. Sourya graduated with an MBA on full scholarship from the top-rated University of Notre Dame, and completed his undergrad education from the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Kolkata.

Want to learn more about Cyber Security Reviews (CSR) for startups?

Read up on CSR or reach out to one of NCC Group's cyber security experts to see how CSR could be the right fit for your startup.