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NCC Group’s 2022 & 2023 Research Report 

Over the past two years, our global cybersecurity research has been characterized by unparalleled depth, diversity, and dedication to safeguarding the digital realm. The highlights of our work not only signify our commitment to pushing the boundaries of cybersecurity research but also underscore the tangible impacts and positive change we bring to the technological landscape. […]

Readable Thrift (1)

Readable Thrift makes binary Thrift protocol messages easy to work with by converting them to and from a human-friendly format. This makes manual analysis of and tampering with binary format Thrift messages just as easy as working with plaintext protocols like HTTP. The library is implemented in Java, enabling integration with extensions for popular web […]

08 Feb 2023

Building WiMap the Wi-Fi Mapping Drone

We’ve published a whitepaper about how we built WiMap, which is a Wi-Fi mapping drone.  The paper includes details of the methods used to create, from parts, a hexacopter capable of being controlled over 3/4G and equipped to perform wireless and infrastructure assessments. We’d love to hear your feedback via the comments section or via […]

Fuzzing the Easy Way Using Zulu (1)

Andy Davis, NCC Group’s Research Director presented Fuzzing the Easy Way Using Zulu at the 2014 Nullcon conference in Goa, India. The presentation describes how Zulu has been successfully used to discover high profile bugs and details the motivations for developing the tool. Download our slides

Exploiting CVE-2014-0282

This whitepaper details the vulnerability and examines some of the concepts needed for browser exploitation before describing how to construct a working exploit that exits gracefully. Download whitepaper Authored by Katy Winterborn

Machine Learning for Static Analysis of Malware – Expansion of Research Scope

Introduction The work presented in this blog post is that of Ewan Alexander Miles (former UCL MSci student) and explores the expansion of scope for using machine learning models on PE (portable executable) header files to identify and classify malware. It is built on work previously presented by NCC Group, in conjunction with UCL’S Centre […]

Investigating Potential Security Vulnerability Manifestation through Various Analyses & Inferences Regarding Internet RFCs (and how RFC Security might be Improved)

Overview RFCs have played a pivotal role in helping to formalise ideas and requirements for much of the Internet’s design and engineering. They have facilitated peer review amongst engineers, researchers and computer scientists, which in turn has resulted in specification of key Internet protocols and their behaviours so that developers can implement those protocols in […]

Immortalising 20 Years of Epic Research

In December 2019 we launched this new technical security research blog site. As part of its launch we had cause to revisit our old blog website and found a myriad of forgotten whitepapers and conference presentations spanning NCC Group’s history (formation in 1999). Deeply nested on our old blog site we found over 200 whitepapers […]

Exploring DeepFake Capabilities & Mitigation Strategies with University College London

Overview  NCC Group is an industry partner for University College London’s (UCL) Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Intensive Science (CDT in DIS). The UCL CDT in DIS encompasses a wide range of areas in the field of ‘big-data’ including the collection, storage and analysis of large datasets, as well as the use of complex […]

CVE-2018-8611 – Diving into the Windows Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM) for fun and exploitation

Written by Cedric Halbronn On Saturday 15th February, I gave a talk titled “How CVE-2018-8611 Can be Exploited to Achieve Privilege Escalation on Windows 10 1809 (RS5) and Earlier”. This research was done by Aaron Adams and myself and was presented by Aaron at POC2019 at the end of last year. The OffensiveCon slides are […]